Progress makes...mob (1/14/25)
I think I'm growing..! In the best way that I can at present.. Still there are tweaks and quirks but all in all even small progress is worth celebrating. I can't really explain how I've progressed.. or maybe I can.. I was more honest with my sister, I did not hold ill-feelings that I somewhat created (or maybe didn't who knows), and I think more but can't remember. I just feel it. Still a lot of hate in my heart and therefore progress is not making perfect quite yet.. Also creating the blog is kind of killing me like I haven't done anything with my free time outsite of it for probably a week and a half now so I will be slowing up the progress of it's making to focus on doing other things.
New year, new mob (1/6/25)
I wanted to make a list of goals for the new year, but I think more than that it would be better to speak them all into existence and then do a recap at the end of the year. I will write that down somewhere, but not each individual one.
Really, my goal is to be kinder to pretty much everyone... While some neurodivergence disallows me from being able to do that entirely, or really knowing what that looks like, I more than anything would like to try.. The thing at the center of that goal is that I would like to be more emotionally vulnerable. I don't know my emotions very well; growing up in an environment that forced me to hide those kinds of emotions and with the unknown knowledge of autism you don't really grow to be someone naturally good at the smaller subtexts in ... humanity? Speaking with people regularly, knowing how to comfort someone that is upset, speaking your mind just in general, but specifically after having an argument or disagreement, etc, etc. I hope that by the end of the year I am at least a little better with this. Even if it means that I have to over-correct and be terribly hurt in the beginning. No, that itsn't entirely healthy, but really there's no better way to learn to swim than being thrown in a body of water.
Oh, how strange to be anything at all...
I am going to make my own beautiful website. I love mob!
I am going to make my own beautiful website. I love mob!
I am going to make my own beautiful website. I love mob!
I am going to make my own beautiful website. I love mob!
I am going to make my own beautiful website. I love mob!
I am going to make my own beautiful website. I love mob!